New York, NY 10038 | Phone: 888.328.8868
Orlando, FL 32819 | Phone: 407.982.4820
Los Angeles, CA 90071 | Phone: 310.862.1365
Request a Demo

Considering a Point of Sale System? REQUEST A DEMO and learn how a POS system can improve your business!

(PCI) Data Security

If you accept credit card payments in your store, you are required to comply with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard. Our free information will detail for you how Microsoft Dynamics Retail Management System (RMS) can help you comply with the standard. How secure is your customers' credit card data?

- Protecting Customer Information

Real Inventory Costs

The checkout counter is the spot where the customer meets the store. The checkout experience - supported by the point-of-sale (POS) system - strongly influences the way shoppers feel about their store shopping experience and whether they want to return.

- Is Your POS Good Enough?


Our Company
IUG is a fast growing provider of retail point of sale solutions to retailers worldwide. With 10 years of success in delivering custom retail technology that drives profitability, enhances customer service, and streamlines operations, IUG has established itself as the east coast’s leading provider of Microsoft Retail Management System solutions. Headquartered in New York City, with offices in Orlando, IUG employs innovative, creative, dedicated, and hard working individuals.